Sam Reynolds and Yannick Granieri in Indonesia

21 February 2012  |  
Yannick and Sam traveled around half the globe to meet their new sponsor Polygon and pick up their brand new bikes. Part of that journey was also a visit to the Polygon factory where the manufacturing process still relies on the knowledge and expertise of their skilled engineers and mechanics. The riders were able to watch every step along the way as metal rods and nuts and bolts piece by piece became a bike they could rely on in jungles, on volcanoes or on huge jumps. As soon as they had their new bikes, they were off to a local spot to meet a couple of riders and get a first taste of their new rides. It was definitely a fun little session with the locals but nothing can compare to that feeling of being the very first person to ride a line, especially if it is down the side of an active volcano. The volcano ashes around the crater were basically brown pow paradise and Yannick and Sam turned the day into a legendary dirt session.

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